October 21, 2024

Author Information

black and red typewriter on white table

When you first join TwoVerbs, you will be placed in a probationary status with the Contributor role. You will stay with the Contributor role until you have submitted five posts for publication. To achieve Author status, you must have published five posts and have a complete profile with a bio and a profile in Gravatar. This page describes the author information you need to be successful.

Author Guidelines

This document outlines the rules for author access and the post styles. If you do not stick to the rules, your account and all your posts may be deleted and your account demoted to Subscriber (Read Only). You may submit as many posts as desired. However, the editor will review and publish those that pass quality control for content, style, and checklist score.

All Posts Must Be

  • Original work and no plagiarism/copy – Plagerized Post will be unpublished and placed in draft mode
  • If you are using an AI Content Tool, review and edit carefully. Gibberish will not be published.
  • At least 800 words
  • Formatted well (see below)
  • In good English – Use a tool like Grammarly.
  • No topics or links about CBD, gambling, adult, drugs, spam, or illegal things.
  • All posts must achieve a Rank Math score of 75+ to be published.

We use https://searchenginereports.net/plagiarism-checker to check articles posted.

Post Formating Styles

  • Please write post title in capitalized words, like Please Post Titles Like This. See https://capitalizemytitle.com/ for the capitalizing tool.
  • Always include a ‘Featured Image’ at least 1,000 pixels wide.
  • Don’t make your post a “wall of text,” Break it up with graphics (charts, pictures)
  • Please format using Heading 2 and Heading 3 for subheadings, not just bold.
  • Please only include up to two links per post.
  • You must include at least one internal link.
  • Please complete tags and choose categories carefully.

Final Thoughts on Author Information

  • We reserve the right to unpublish or delete any posts that do not meet these guidelines.
  • Once you achieve Author status, you may publish posts directly without pre-approval.
  • Unused Contributor and Author accounts will be demoted to Subscriber. Please post at least once every 30 days to stay active.
  • All users may receive email updates from time to time.
  • To apply for Contributor status, please visit this page. Write For Us