February 18, 2025

7 Ways to Save Money When Operating Your Swimming Pool

operating your swimming pool
Save Money Operating Your Swimming Pool

If you’re the proud owner of a backyard swimming pool, then you know how it can make your summer 100% more fun. But did you know that it can also cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars every year to operate? Don’t worry! It doesn’t have to be that way. With just a few simple strategies for saving money when operating your swimming pool, you can keep your bills low and enjoy owning a pool without an outrageous expense.

Install a Solar Pool Heater

If you have an above-ground pool, you are probably familiar with the difficulty of heating it. You can also heat your in-ground pool with solar power, but there are some things to consider.

The first thing you need to do is make sure that your solar heater is safe for your pool and its occupants. This will mean checking the product’s label and reading all of the specifications before installing it or allowing anyone else to install it for you. If anything seems unclear or unfamiliar, contact the manufacturer or a professional who works with these products regularly. If you plan on installing your solar pool heater on the roof, it’s best practice to consult a professional.

Once everything has been checked from this list, installation can begin! Most solar heating systems come equipped with everything needed for a successful installation process, including detailed instructions on placing each piece within your pool area and some essential tools. If any additional supplies are required, they should be included in your kit and instructions on where exactly those materials should go during this process. Follow those instructions carefully, though, since improper placement could impact operating your swimming pool and cause damage later down the road!

Run Your Pool Pump During the Night

If you live in an area where your power company has a lower electric rate for off-hours energy use, this is the way to go. Running your pool pump during the night is a huge step toward saving money on your energy bills. The most significant drain on your home’s energy usage is usually the pool pump, so shutting it off for most of the day will save you money.

Operating your swimming pool pump at night also has other benefits as well. One is that it prevents algae from growing because there are no lights around to help support its growth.

Use a Variable-Speed Pool Pump

The first thing you should do is make sure you use a variable-speed pool pump. A variable-speed pool pump will save energy, water, and money throughout the season. It’s important to note that this type of pump helps with efficiency because it has a more powerful motor than other models but uses less electricity to operate at full power than standard motors would use at lower speeds.

Here are some additional benefits of using a variable-speed pump when operating your swimming pool:

  • Save time by reducing cleaning time – because it cleans better and faster than standard running speeds, there will be no build-up on surfaces like walls, floors, or corners!
  • Save water – less evaporation means fewer chemicals needed for chlorination levels to stay constant (also, less chlorine means fewer fumes). This also applies if your home has well water instead of city supply lines as some chemicals found in tap water can kill fish inside your home’s ecosystem, so reduce evaporation when possible by simply turning off fountains not being used for long periods throughout the summer months when kids aren’t playing outside anymore during those hot days when temperatures soar past 100°F (38°C)!

Conserve Pool Water

There are many ways to save money on your pool. The one that you will want to focus on is conserving water in the pool. This is simple, as you can use a pool cover at night and check for leaks.

These things will help you save money by preventing water loss through evaporation, which can be up to 90%! If your pool has a leak that is not fixed, there is no way of knowing how much water it could have cost or could cost if left unattended for an entire summer season. Repairing this problem will allow you to enjoy using your swimming pool without worrying about having too little or too much water because of an unrepaired leak!

Test Regularly and Maintain Chemical Balance

Testing your pool regularly is the most essential part of maintaining water quality. Testing will allow you to make sure that your water is balanced and safe for swimming. If there are any problems with the chemical balance of your pool, it could lead to problems such as skin irritations or infections for swimmers. Also, correcting an imbalance quickly will save you from buying expensive remedies and spending time correcting the problem. (Time is money)

Testing for pH, chlorine, and alkalinity should be done at least once a week during the summer months or every two weeks during cooler months. Calcium hardness and total dissolved solids should be tested monthly regularly. Water clarity should also be tested every month. At the same time, Ph or acid levels can change over time depending on how much sunlight exposure your pool gets each day so check this level at least once per week (or more often if you’re concerned).

Switch to A Salt-Based Pool System

Salt-based pool systems are efficient and environmentally friendly. The advantages of considering a salt-based system when operating your swimming pool include:

  • They’re easy to maintain (you only have to add salt once per month, or less)
  • They use fewer chemicals than chlorine systems, which means they’re better for the environment.
  • They cost less money over the long term because you don’t have to replace the filter as often or buy chlorine.
  • Saltwater feels smoother than traditional chlorine pool water and won’t irritate your skin.

The downside of a salt-based system is they tend to have a higher initial cost of equipment and needs qualified technical installers.

Use a Solar Cover During Cool Nights

It’s best to use a solar cover when the surface temperature of your water is below 80 degrees F. Solar covers reduce evaporation and prevent heat loss, which means that you save money by keeping more of the heat from escaping from your pool during cooler nights.

A solar cover can save up to 50 percent of the water in your pool overnight, depending on how cold it is outside and how much sun hits each area of your cover. A typical 15-foot round above-ground pool will cost between $100 and $150. This is much less than running an electric or gas heater (and less if it’s not as sunny where you live).

Final Thoughts on Operating Your Swimming Pool

Keeping your pool water clean can be a real hassle, but it’s worth it. You will keep your swimming pool safe and sanitary, but you’ll also save money in the long run by not having to replace broken parts or pay for expensive repairs. Remember these tips when operating your swimming pool, and it comes time to open up that new pool this summer!

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Mikki Smith

Mikki is a graduate of Indian River State College and currently living and working in Isreal as a developer of AI chatbots for the travel industry. She writes part-time and is working on her first book about chatbot development.

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