Sebewaing Michigan ( pronounced See-ba-wing) is a town of approximately 1,800 people situated on the shore of Saginaw Bay. Historically, this settlement was in existence for 100’s of years before white settlers as it was a well-known fishing and hunting area for the Anishinaabeg group of Indigenous Peoples in North America. The village was founded in 1845 by Lutheran Minister Rev. John J.F. Auch. He was sent by the Church to spread the Gospel among the Native Americans. The original mission house stands today.

Today it’s one of the sweetest towns Michigan’s Thumb. Known as the Sugar Beet Capital, due to the Michigan Sugar mill located within the village and the yearly Michigan Sugar Festival. The Sebewaing area, the Thumb, and the state of Michigan overall are major beet sugar growers and producers.
The town also was home to Sebewaing Brewing Company which operated until 1966. The cans, beer cases, and other memorabilia are known for their collectability. The town is one of our last stops for the M-25 Road Trip – Riding the Ribbon Around the Thumb.